This platform is set up to connect genuine sellers of land (both agents and owners) with the right buyers.
We verify the lands uploaded by you before we show them to the buyers, to make it better for everybody.
Make yours available through
we'll help you
Will you charge anything from the seller?
No. It is free for all sellers. The buyer will also call your number directly.
I don’t want to disclose the exact location of the land.
Fine. We understand that you are worried others might misuse the information. But you need to give us the exact location for verification purposes. If you want, we can display an approximate location to the buyers.
What will you verify?
We need the passbook copy (which, we will not share with anyone) and the location of the land on google maps. We will take care of the rest of the verification.
I do not know how to upload
Do not worry. Whatsapp us the details and we will help you with the uploading process.

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